Date Tags GPU / GCP

Setting up a GPU instance for deep learning in the Google Cloud has become incredibly easy. Similar to Deep Learning AMIs for AWS EC2, GCP offers Deep Learning VM Images for Compute Engine (docs), making basic deployment a one-click procedure from the Cloud Marketplace.

By default, the VM will be set up on a n1-highmem-2 instance (2 vCPUs, 13 GB RAM, 100 GB disk).

You can attach optionally multiple GPUs to the instance (choices: K80, P100, V100).

You can choose between several combinations of pre-installed CUDA versions and deep learning images.

Once the VM is created, it will appear in your Cloud Console and can be started from there.

Finally, to access JupyterLab, we need to establish an ssh tunnel with local port forwarding.

export INSTANCE_NAME="my-instance"
gcloud compute ssh $INSTANCE_NAME -- -L 8080:localhost:8080

Using the gcloud cli as shown above also generates a new ssh-key pair if necessary.

Some More Setup Tasks

# Enable Persistence Mode
nvidia-smi -pm 1
# Disable ECC
nvidia-smi -e 0
# Enable GPU Boost Clocks (K80 Specific)
nvidia-smi -ac 2505,875